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Онлайн-помощник AWChat
About "Northern Lights" - Санаторий "Северное Сияние"
При заезде каждому гостю необходимо обязательно иметь при себе справку об отсутствии контактов с больными Covid-19,
а также отрицательный ПЦР-тест на Covid-19, выданный не позднее чем за 72 часа до даты заезда или сертификат о вакцинации против COVID-19.
Гостей, прибывших без этого документа, санаторий имеет право не принимать на отдых и лечение

8 800 234 22 07
Бесплатная линия по России
8 800 234 22 07
Бесплатная линия по России

About «Northern Lights»

The «Northern Lights» sanatorium is located near the world-famous mud resort of Saki. The place is famous for its natural resources which have been successfully applied for treatment for enturies. Its landscaped area is located between Saki Lake and the Black Sea coast.

The capacity of the sanatorium includes three buildings, two of which operate in the hot season only. Visitors can choose Standard or Deluxe rooms, all of which are equipped with high-quality urniture and modern appliances. Air conditioners, TVs and fridges add much to your comfort. Rooms in the main building have balconies, where you can enjoy fresh air and the beauty of the nature.

Meals are provided four times daily in cozy spacious restaurants. Various leisure activities are possible, with sports grounds, a swimming pool, a library, a souvenir shop, a massage lounge and a hair salon at your disposal.

Therapeutic qualities of Saki lake peloids are globally acknowledged, and visitors can test the unique properties of the mud through their own experience. Heated peloids used by means of body raps, baths or applications boost the revitalization process. Mud-application procedures help to get restored after high physical activity and improve the condition of your skin.

If you decide to use public transport, you should get to Simpheropol, another resort city, first. In the airport, take a shuttle heading to Saki, then change to a minibus taxi going right to the sanatorium. You can also use a taxi or order transfer, which can make your trip to the sanatorium faster.

Our contact details:
Address: 12 Morskaya str., Saki, Republic of Crimea
BOOKING 8 (978) 935-39-82
Website: http://severnoe-siyanie.ru/